I like to have a variety of handbags, whether it's a colour or a different shape am always keeping an eye out for the unconventional. I visited my brother in Birmingham and a friend took me to an outlet store. We saw this flower print vintage bag for only £3! Another successful bargain on my part, but in order to test your true skills go out with only £15 pounds in your pocket and see what you come up with, I will be posting the £15 challenge soon on LaRoseDesVent so stay tuned to see what I came up with ...
Necklaces are traditionally worn on the neck, but if you think outside the box you may also get away with a head piece as well. I had an old necklace which I stopped wearing a while ago, but I didn't wanna throw it away so I began to play with it and I ended up ripping some of the gems out leaving a gold round piece. To polish it I then added clear nail polish and tightened it with a safety pin which I hide behind my hair.